Thursday, March 31, 2011

3 Months in..An Overdue Update

So where have I been?

Stalled and stalling.

I did not want to write this blog. See, blogging is easy when you're doing well, it's a chance to motivate others and celebrate your own successes at the same time.

But what if you haven't been succeeding? what if you've been failing...Miserably? What if a diet health blogger yesterday saw they gained 4 pounds over the last month or so and decided to celebrate that misery by having an ice cream cone and a slice of pizza?

How do you put your failures out there right alongside your successes?

Well, something like I just did I suppose.

I mentioned previously that I had suffered a training injury. For those who have been asking, the injury has not healed, in fact it has become worse. this has stopped me from continuing my P90X training, at least for now anyway.

Stopping the workouts is not an excuse for weight gain, anyone serious about a journey to a healthy weight knows that the number one thing that makes an impact is what you eat, not what you burn. But stopping the workouts had an unexpected effect on me. It broke my routine, it sapped my motivation. It made me stop thinking about the penalty of bad choices because I just went back to all my habits before the changes.

This can't continue. I still need to be below 220lbs before Dec 31st (minimum) I made a commitment, to my readers, to my family, and, most importantly, to myself.

So, step one, admit I screwed up. Say it aloud, get it out there. Be accountable for it (thanks JB). Blog about it. the blog and knowing people are reading it is immensely motivating for me. I should have been on here a bunch, I wouldn't have slipped as far.

Step two, make adjustments. Watch the input of food, watch it closely. Find a new exercise routine until my wrist is healthy. Looks like I'll start prepping for the 5K a little earlier than I had planned.

Step three, keep it up. Do it today, then tomorrow. Small good decisions, made consistently, until I'm back in the pattern again.

Back on my feet folks, off the coach and away from the nachos. Hope you'll continue to join me.



kim MEEK said...

Gosh you're such a good writer!!! Have you ever thought about publishing something?????

Fat Fit Man said...

Thanks Kim...Unfortunately conversational writing is great for blogs, not always great for books!

But you never know, maybe one day