Thursday, December 29, 2011

Half measures have availed us nothing

One year ago today I noticed my weight had jumped up to a startling 272.4lbs

I set out two simple goals;

A) lose 53lbs, putting me below 220.

B) run a 5k race

Well, looking back, how did I do?  Not great. Today I weigh 264.4 lbs, so in one year I lost only 8 lbs. I participated in a 5k race, but by no means did I run it.

What happened to my year? I could list some excuses easily, injury, kids, time constraints.

But they are excuses. What's the real truth?

Half measures avail us nothing

That's the cold hard truth. I'm not trying to lose 10lbs to fit into a smaller pair of jeans. I'm trying to reverse years of neglect on my body. And I spent a year doing it half-assed.

Honest appraisal, I have more than 60lbs to lose. That's not to look better, that's simply to be healthy. Say what you want about BMI, but I need to lose 40lbs to not be classified as obese!
These are big numbers, these aren't "I'm going to cut down on my pasta" numbers, these are my life needs an overhaul numbers.

I would eat right, then not
I would log my food, sometimes
I would workout, when I felt like it

Half measures avail us nothing

This cannot continue.  I cannot simply do the few easy things and expect a true change. I cannot simply hope things will get better while eating a cheeseburger. I cannot become more fit by averaging one workout a week.

So lets turn it around. Let's fix it. Now.

Goals for 2012

Goal #1: Get below 205 lbs.  Once I am at that weight I'll take an appraisal of what a reasonable goal weight should be for me

Goal #2: RUN a 5k. Not walk, not half and half. Run. The whole way. This one might be harder than the weight loss.

Half measures avail us nothing

I'm not going to get there without changing how I do things. I can't occasionally log my food. I can't occasionally workout, and I can't occasionally blog about it.

Logging food is how I hold myself accountable for my choices, it has to be a daily thing.

Working out is good for my waistline, my heart, and for easing stress, 6 times a week is not unreasonable.

Blogging is my accountability to friends and family, my way of sharing my struggle, and hoping others are motivated to join me. I need to aim for weekly, but at least every 2 weeks I need to be in here, good or bad.

When I achieved successes during 2011 I did the above. When I stumbled in 2011 I did them occasionally.

Half measures avail us nothing.

No half measures for 2012. This is my year, this is my 40th year, this is the year I meet the fitman again.



cmbright58 said...

Very similar to my situation! I am currently 258 after losing 16 lbs in the last month. I want to get to 210 before next Summer. Email me your progress weekly and I will do the same. Good luck!

Charles in Atlanta

Timothy King said...

I'm steady at about 45lbs under my peak weight of 2 years ago.

What worked was eating more slowly and stopping eating when I was no longer hungry. No more second plates, no one ever needs seconds, especially at North American sizes. The not eating when I'm not hungry thing killed off the majority of snacking too.

Only eat when you're hungry, and take a moment to feel that or you'll order habitually. You might feel pangs about leaving food on a plate in a restaurant, start feeling good about it, it's a sign of willpower.

Only eating when I'm actually feeling hunger, and then stopping when I'm not pretty much did it.

The best part? Suddenly I have no back or knee issues, after years of thinking I was going to be in pain fairly constantly.

If 2012 is the year of the zombie apocalypse (hope hope), then you're gonna need to be light on your feet!

Good luck dude, I'm pulling for you.

Rob said...

You can do this D. Be accountable. Announce it in Social Media, tell co-workers. Make it so you HAVE to.