Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Day 15 - Could have been a real downer

First off the weight, as expected up slightly at 254 lbs. That's ok. I know why, I know how to deal with it mentally. I'll be alright.

Except that my back has started to hurt. Now normally I'd be concerned here.

Here's what my normal response to some back pain would be.

1) Cease all exercise
2) Get depressed that once again injuries had derailed my attempts at health
3) Rest back
4) After back has healed, stay lazy for at least 6 weeks thinking about working out again.

Now this time we're going to do something a little different.

Last night, as soon as I felt it flaring up I contacted Rob, my Personal Trainer from @trainersonsite . I advised him of what was happening, and within a few hours I had a new workout routine, one that won't stress my back in anyway while it heals. He included some specific instructions on supporting my spine while doing some of the routines.

So tonight I'll go see my Osteopath, who has been a miracle worker for me in the past. With any luck the back will be normal shortly.

But again, such a key lesson, when faced with a challenge, how do we respond? Do we sulk? Do we turn to Dr. Internet and hope we can find reasonable advice? Or do we turn to experts, like Rob, like Doctors, like other professionals in our fields, and ask them for help?

We cannot do all things by ourselves, there are powers and knowledge higher than ours, we have the ability to tap in to those to help ourselves.

So that's the lesson for today, whatever ails you, whatever stands between you and your goal, whatever it is, there is someone out there who can help, someone who knows a way forward.

Don't be afraid to ask.

1 comment:

Milton Personal Trainer said...

Thx Darren for the plug. I am nowhere near the knowledge that Mindy is, sooooo she will fix ya! Great job on seeking out the advice. Sometimes we just do - without thinking what we are DOing.