Saturday, August 31, 2013

Day 12 - Whats this strange feeling in my stomach?

I have overeaten most of my life. Multiple helpings of meals, meal-size snacks, 2 dinners, 2 breakfasts, lunches that went on and on. I was always the guy you could count on to order the most food, and eat whatever was left at the table.  I'd also be the guy going to town on the appetizers before all that even started.

As I mentioned before it has been over 110 days since my last big binge. And today I noticed something.

Something very strange.

I am full.

I don't remember the last time I felt like this. Normally I am a pretty bottomless pit, food goes in, and the feeding doesn't stop. But today is different.

After 111 days of not abusing myself with food, of normal eating, I suddenly am aware of having eaten enough (or truthfully, maybe a little too much)

I made ribs and my wife made pasta as a dinner tonight for my visiting parents. No snack appetizers, one glass of wine.

I had a quarter rack of ribs and a helping of pasta, then had a little bit more pasta (my wife is an amazing cook)

Suddenly I realized I was uncomfortable, a strange heavy sensation in my stomach. It was a long old memory to recall what is was.

As much damage as I have done with overeating, and my lack of physical activity, as difficult as this journey has been getting my food under control, and raising the bar on my fitness, this is a watershed moment.

Suddenly recovery seems so much closer.

I may pay on the scale for tonight, I don't know yet, but I have reached a breakthrough you need to have battled the demons of food to understand.

My body is remembering what full feels like.

My body is telling me it's had enough

My body is sending a message it hasn't sent in a very long time. Stop eating, that's enough, anymore food would not be pleasant.

If this seems mundane to you, I envy you, though you may battle weight, you may never battle food. If this sounds like something you can relate to however, you understand my joy.

Suddenly recovery seems so much closer, because my body is remembering what normal is.

It's taken over 110 days, but it's worth it.

Off to my rowing machine, lets keep these good days rolling

Friday, August 30, 2013

Day 11 - Won't lie, feeling it a bit today

I do not recall the last time I worked out 9 times in 11 days, but it's safe to say it's been a very long time.

Like maybe two decades.

I'm 42, I have 2 small kids, and hey, I'm tired.

I can make a million excuses to not work out.

Yesterday I went to Canada's Wonderland. Walked 11000 steps, burned 4200 calories, watched carefully what I ate, and came home too tired to row, went to bed early.

Today, woke up, hit the rowing machine first thing. I knew if I didn't it would stretch into the day and I'd find a reason to skip it.

But that still leaves today's strength workout. I have not done 2 workouts in a day since....oh

I was fortunate to have my trainer Rob from @trainersonsite come by today. He gave me some pointers on my exercise routines, reminded me they would be switched up soon. Left with some encouraging words.

I should have worked out then.

Instead it's 915 at night. It's too late. I'm too tired. Glass of wine, sit on the couch, watch TV.

I'll workout tomorrow.

Right now some of you are agreeing with me. You know what it feels like to be tired, and just put it off until tomorrow.

Others are screaming at the screen, NO! Go do it!.

So who wins?

Pretty easy actually. I have always let later win.  "I'll do it later" might end up on my tombstone one day.
Where did later get me? It got me to 272 lbs is where it got me.

I have a good friend who loves the saying "if you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got"

And since I'm not real fond of 272 lbs, its time to change that habit.

I'm going downstairs now, It's workout time.

See you all tomorrow

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 8 - First Weigh in

I started this 100 days at 255.4....Today's weight is

In a minute

First a couple things about the last 24 hours.  Last night was my Dad's 70th birthday. He's a young 70, and I hope I can look that good when I get there.

Being at his party was a bit of a challenge food wise. I'd already had dinner, but seeing all the great appetizers my Mom had laid out was difficult.

Difficult, but not impossible.  I made it through the evening without partaking in any of the appetizers, save for a small piece of Pork Tenderloin.

Despite not eating, drinking and generally over doing it, the night was a lot of fun. My parents are lucky to have some great friends, and I always enjoy spending time with them.  It was nice to prove to myself I could go through the evening without having to be constantly eating!

It's a lesson we can all learn, when we have our minds set on a goal, we sometimes have to weigh other activities against that goal. I want to watch my diet, and I know I have a family dinner Wednesday, and I am going to the CNE (lots of food there!) on Friday. Both have the capacity to through my healthy eating for a loop, so I didn't need to add last night to the list. I don't want to cut out some fun food entirely, and so choices have to be made. Last night the choice was to not partake. On Friday at the CNE the choice will be which fun food item will I have, not how many.

So back to the weigh in. I had made up my  mind that even if the number on the scale hadn't moved, or had gone the wrong way, I knew that I had done my part this week. I had put in tough workouts, I had eaten better than I had in years, I felt amazing. I can't control a single weigh in, I can only do what is right to try to influence my body in the right direction.

So I stepped on the scale already at peace with wherever the number landed.


2lbs off this week...I'll happily take that. 2lbs is a normal, healthy, sustainable weight loss. I'm quite content, even pleased with that number. It wasn't so long ago I would bounce off of 260lb like clockwork, so it's great to be far from that number, and knocking on the door of 250.

But that's a couple of week from now.For the moment it's focus on tomorrow, what's my food plan, what's my workout.

Until tomorrow my friends

Monday, August 26, 2013

Day 7 - End of Week One and Monday's Spotlight

Well that's the end of week one.  Overall pretty good, we'll have to wait for the scale tomorrow, but no matter what it says I know I've started making real change this week.

Lots of people help me with this journey, and every Monday I intend to recognize some of them. Today I want to talk about the guy who has developed the workout program I am following.

Robert Foster, Owner of , and his wife Michelle are a potent health combination. Robert is an accomplished Personal Trainer, Michelle a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. Between the two of them is a ton of knowledge about the human body and how to get it healthy.

I met Rob through Karate a couple of years ago, and quickly recognized the intense passion he has for physical training.  Rob keeps himself in top shape, working out daily in addition to Karate, and delivering training sessions for clients. He does all this while still finding time for his wonderful family.

Rob and Michelle have been cheering me on as I try to get healthy for the last while now, and their help in this 100 day challenge cannot be understated.

Besides designing my workouts to maximize what I can do, while avoiding exercises that could trigger old injuries I deal with, Rob has given me a program I trust, at a level that provides sufficient challenge for change. He checks with me on a regular basis to see what is working and what isn't, he calls or emails just to let me know he is there to help me achieve my goals.

The passion these two have for fitness, the energy they bring, the belief they show in me being successful is infectious, and I am forever grateful for having them help me start this journey.

Today's Workout

TRX and Strength

Calories Eaten - 2222
Calories Burned - 3240

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Day 6 - Reflecting on the first week

First and foremost, what a response!  The number of comments from friends and family who've been reading this has been great, and it has helped to keep me motivated and accountable.

Please, keep reading, and feel free to forward on if you think it has value.

As I said, I was going to be without Internet for a couple days, and while the camping trip didn't quite go as planned (sick child), it was a valuable lesson in the advantages of planning.

I came home and worked out first thing on Friday. I could have left it to later, but later has a habit of never arriving, so while it meant delaying our departure a bit, I got my workout, my priority, done. More on this workout tomorrow. But it also meant arriving a bit later at the camp, fortunately we had planned for that with an easy dinner cooked over the open fire.

Saturday was a scheduled off day, but that didn't mean doing nothing. Tearing down the campsite to bring the ill one home meant not cooking the healthy breakfast we had planned, but we had planned lots of fast healthy stuff too, so not an issue. Came home, and with no scheduled workout just went for nice 3k or so walk to make sure I still did something.

Today, back to workouts, a rowing one this time, and with it my first Non-Scale Victory (NSV)  As the workout end approached, I didn't want to stop. I had more energy still!  I stopped anyway, as too often i have over trained and injured myself, but what a great  feeling to end the first week on.

Looking back at the week, that's the main thing I am taking from it. I haven't gone out and started a wicked, unattainable workout plan. I haven't gone on severe calorie restriction diet. I've simply started to take some action, with food, with exercise.

And I feel amazing

100 days of action, 6 of them done and I feel great already. No matter what the scale says tomorrow I know I'm doing the right thing

Join me.

- remember tomorrow, and every Monday, I will profile a personal role model around fitness, health, or generally living life with action. Stay tuned for the first one tomorrow.

Numbers for the weekend


Workout - Strength and TRX

Calories eaten - 2040
Calories burned - 3960


Workout - Off Day

Calories Eaten - 2833
Calories Burned - 4250


Workout - Row 3km

Calories Eaten - 1750
Calories Burned - 3460

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Day 3 - Planning the Weekend

First an admission.  I had a meeting to go to tonight, had an errand to run after it. Got home late.

Did NOT want to go do my row. No matter how brief the rowing workouts are right now as I build my form and stamina for longer sessions, I just had no desire to do it.

But I did. I went downstairs and did my planned session.


Because I got myself into this mess partially by taking shortcuts. Taking the easy way. Letting my bad planning become an easy excuse to not workout, or make a good meal choice, or just be lazy as a husband, father, son, friend.

This is about action. This is about seeing things through. So to the rower it was.

Speaking of planning, I'm away this weekend, so there will likely be no update until Sunday. I'll be off with no Internet access.

Does that mean no workouts? Bad meal choices? No accountability?


My DW (darling wife) has been hard at work making sure that I will have the right meal choices with me. It's amazing the support I get from her.

I've planned my workout schedule around my weekend. Friday, before I leave I have a strength workout from my friends @trainersonsite.  Then Saturday is a scheduled rest day, and Sunday I'll be back in time to get my rowing workout in again.

It's this planning that's key. When we just react to what is happening we don't always leave ourselves enough time to do the right thing, so we do an easy thing.

I can't do that anymore, it lead me to misery, so I have a plan for how to maximize what I can.  Sure the unpredictable happens, but we pretend it happens way more than it does. We know Sunday traffic is bad coming home from the cottage, but we pretend to be surprised when we get home at 10pm, too late for a workout.  (For the record I am leaving early and expect to be home mid afternoon, lots of time)

Don't set yourself up to fail. Have a plan. Take action. Give yourself your best chance at success for all your goals.

See you Sunday with a recap.

 - by the way, every Monday I will be featuring someone who inspires me to push myself, these are friends and family that I admire for their own stories, efforts or support. Be sure to check in on Mondays to see who is featured each week.

Today's Workout

Rowing 2400m

Calories Eaten - 2163
Calories Burned - 3448

Be well!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day 2 - It's more than the scale.

I want to clear something up.

This is not about weight and weight alone.

When this blog started back in January of 2010 (that long ago, wow) I set two goals, one was a weight loss one, the other a performance one.

But over time I've realized it is about way more than that. It's about a journey. Trying to get back to being a person I remember. Active, happy, friendly, confident. And while I'm at it, lets make some improvements about me along the way.

Why both?  Ever heard "you can't love another unless you love yourself?"

What if you don't like who you've become? What if you can't identify with the guy in the mirror?  Can you still love others? Can you truly act towards the rest of the world in a decent manner if you are mad at yourself?

Probably not.

I'm a decent guy, at least I like to think I am. But as I have become less happy with me, its become harder to keep that going. I'm less patient, less caring, quicker to anger and frustrate.

Will losing weight cure it?  Maybe, but what if the weight loss is slow? How will I react?

That's why its key I'm measuring things other than weight. I have other numbers. Inches, performance in physical tests. All designed to show me progress in case that bathroom bearer of bad news, the scale, decides to annoy me.

But it even goes beyond that.  I finished my workout tonight (TRX and weights for about 45min), and yes I was tired, yes a little sore. Very sweaty.

And one other very strong feeling when I finished....Powerful

I felt like I could take on the world. I felt energized by the idea of doing this for 100 days. I felt amazing.

I felt, like I always used to.

I could get used to that. I know not every day will be like today. I know there are hard days waiting out there.

But if that's the price I pay to go back to feeling strong, confident, happy. If that's the price I pay the price I pay to stop feeling mad at myself, and regain the patience, caring and calmness I used to be known for.

If that's the price, I'm ready to pay it.

Its not just the weight, its not just the inches, its not just the measures.

It's the feeling I am doing something about it. 100 days of "acting on life instead of reacting to it." That's the biggest victory I'll have

The victory of trying, of persevering, of not sitting down and letting it happen.

100 days of action...Join me for them.

Today's workout

45 minutes of TRX and Weights
1Km on Rower

Calories Eaten - 2027
Calories Burned - 3562

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Day 1 - Where are we at?

WARNING - if you find images of overweight men disturbing, stop reading now

When we talk about getting healthy its always about weight....Always. We tell ourselves we need to lose 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 lbs.

Here's the problem with weight...It goes on a lot faster then it comes off. So we get discouraged, we don't see results.

We stop.

Well, I can't stop, because I committed to all of you to do it for 100 days, but how else can we measure besides weight.

Exercise and being healthy is more than a number on a scale. Its how healthy our heart is. How well our bodies can perform different tasks, so I spent Day 1 compiling a few different numbers

Pushups to exhaustion - 18

Pushups are a good measure of muscular endurance, so lets see how that improves over the first 25 days and over the 100 total.

I don't run, not with this gut, so I row. I have a concept2 rowing machine. I used it for a few of the baseline numbers too.

2000m time = 8:46.5  A good measure of cardiovascular fitness.

I also did a 500m rowing sprint and measured my heart rate at various times.
Peak = 190bpm
After 1min = 147
After 2min = 132
After 5min = 110

This gives me an idea of how fast I can recover from exertion

Comparing future results to these will let me see beyond the scale, if the scale doesn't move, but these numbers get better, I'm still making improvements, I don't have to feel discouraged just because one number didn't move,

Now for the ugly part...the body measurements and before pictures

Weight = 255.4lbs
BMI = 34.6 (Obese) - this used to be worse! Used to be Class II obese!
% Body fat = 42.4 %

Waist - 45 in
Hips - 44 in
Chest - 43 in
Thigh - 28 in

                                                                                                                                                                  Every 25 days along this 100 day journey we will revisit these numbers, to see if we can effect more than just the scale

Well that's me right now. Day 1 is drawing to a close.

Tomorrow the real work begins. Rob Foster from has sent me my new workouts, so we'll report back on them

Today's workout

Rowing - 2741 meters
Swimming - 1 hour leisure
Pushups to failure

Calories eaten - 2100
Calories burned - 3500

Check back tomorrow!

Monday, August 19, 2013

100 Days

100 Days.  Little more than 3 months.

How much has changed in your life?

 How much of your life have you changed?

100 days ago I had a huge eating binge. How huge? 14579 calories.

14579. No that's not a typo.  That includes at one point 5536 during a 40 minute car ride home from downtown.

Can't live like that. You cannot go out and eat a weeks worth of food in a day and expect life to be grand.

100 days ago I had my last binge. I'm proud of that. But what can I do with the next 100?

What could I do to change the fat man by November 26th?

I made a commitment 100 days ago not to go on any more crazy binges. I've battled binges all my life, and 100 days later I've been successful so far.

So lets lay down a new challenge.

A good friend of mine Rob Foster is the owner of Rob is a great guy and he's been trying to help me for a while now. Despite my struggles he has maintained his energy and drive to see me through it all.

So what if I made this commitment. I'm going to follow Rob's program he's given me for the next 100 days.

In the last 100 days I helped myself. Now lets start getting help from experts.  I'm going to take advantage of people who want to help me, like Rob.  I'll  use tools like and to track my food for the next 100 days, making sure I finish in the negative at least 6 days out of every 7.

Lets spend 100 days and start reversing this fat man. Lets spend 100 days together and see what happens.

100 days ago I had my last binge. Today starts the next 100 days. Join me, see how it goes.

Check back here frequently, my goal is to update as often as I can, daily whenever possible so that people can see the progression.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Where oh where has the fat man been?

No, I haven't been hiding in a buffet line.

Nor have I lost all the weight and am such a success I no longer need the blog.

Basically I've been an glacier, slow to move, slow to shrink, slow to change.

But there have been some changes. Anyone who has been a regular reader of mine knows about my 260lb bounce issue. Well I am proud to say I have punched through it. I am 258.6 today, this is a small victory. The larger victory is that I have been under 260lbs consistently for many weeks now.

How? Well, I eliminated certain foods entirely from my diet. What they are isn't important, but I looked at what foods I would crave, that I would drive out of my way to binge on, what foods could I never just eat a single helping of.  Then I said ENOUGH! I can't eat these. Eating these never makes things better. Eating these makes things worse, makes me unhealthy, makes me want more. It was so liberating to say " I am never having (insert red list food here) again"

And I haven't...I may not have had anything approaching a perfect diet over the last while, but I haven't touched any of those foods. For the most part I don't even miss them.

Another change, is I have found a group of wonderful people who share my desire to stop living an unhealthy lifestyle, who struggle in the same ways I do. These folks have helped me immeasurably, and I like to think I have helped them a bit too. Without them I'd still be bouncing off 260. We get together every week and we talk about the week that was, our success, our failures, our struggles and our victories. I look forward to it every week.

Unfortunately that's been the only truly consistent part of this journey recently, these weekly meetings.

I haven't exercised with regularity, I haven't tracked my food with regularity. I haven't listened to the advice of experts and loved ones on tools that could help. I haven't listened to myself when I've know the right way forward. I've hummed and hawed, and tried a lot of half measures.

And I've had results that befit someone trying half measures.

What is it about this that is so hard? I know the way, I know the effort required. I know the key is consistency.

Maybe writing this will help. Maybe opening up here about the struggle is the key.

Stay tuned...Hopefully there will be more soon
