Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 8 - First Weigh in

I started this 100 days at 255.4....Today's weight is

In a minute

First a couple things about the last 24 hours.  Last night was my Dad's 70th birthday. He's a young 70, and I hope I can look that good when I get there.

Being at his party was a bit of a challenge food wise. I'd already had dinner, but seeing all the great appetizers my Mom had laid out was difficult.

Difficult, but not impossible.  I made it through the evening without partaking in any of the appetizers, save for a small piece of Pork Tenderloin.

Despite not eating, drinking and generally over doing it, the night was a lot of fun. My parents are lucky to have some great friends, and I always enjoy spending time with them.  It was nice to prove to myself I could go through the evening without having to be constantly eating!

It's a lesson we can all learn, when we have our minds set on a goal, we sometimes have to weigh other activities against that goal. I want to watch my diet, and I know I have a family dinner Wednesday, and I am going to the CNE (lots of food there!) on Friday. Both have the capacity to through my healthy eating for a loop, so I didn't need to add last night to the list. I don't want to cut out some fun food entirely, and so choices have to be made. Last night the choice was to not partake. On Friday at the CNE the choice will be which fun food item will I have, not how many.

So back to the weigh in. I had made up my  mind that even if the number on the scale hadn't moved, or had gone the wrong way, I knew that I had done my part this week. I had put in tough workouts, I had eaten better than I had in years, I felt amazing. I can't control a single weigh in, I can only do what is right to try to influence my body in the right direction.

So I stepped on the scale already at peace with wherever the number landed.


2lbs off this week...I'll happily take that. 2lbs is a normal, healthy, sustainable weight loss. I'm quite content, even pleased with that number. It wasn't so long ago I would bounce off of 260lb like clockwork, so it's great to be far from that number, and knocking on the door of 250.

But that's a couple of week from now.For the moment it's focus on tomorrow, what's my food plan, what's my workout.

Until tomorrow my friends

1 comment:

Rob said...

Darren, you are right on track. 2 lbs/wk is healthy weight loss. Especially for a guy lifting weights and not dieting. Stay accountable with this blog. It's probably therapeutics much as it is accountability. Part of your part time job - healthy lifestyle planner.