Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Where oh where has the fat man been?

No, I haven't been hiding in a buffet line.

Nor have I lost all the weight and am such a success I no longer need the blog.

Basically I've been an glacier, slow to move, slow to shrink, slow to change.

But there have been some changes. Anyone who has been a regular reader of mine knows about my 260lb bounce issue. Well I am proud to say I have punched through it. I am 258.6 today, this is a small victory. The larger victory is that I have been under 260lbs consistently for many weeks now.

How? Well, I eliminated certain foods entirely from my diet. What they are isn't important, but I looked at what foods I would crave, that I would drive out of my way to binge on, what foods could I never just eat a single helping of.  Then I said ENOUGH! I can't eat these. Eating these never makes things better. Eating these makes things worse, makes me unhealthy, makes me want more. It was so liberating to say " I am never having (insert red list food here) again"

And I haven't...I may not have had anything approaching a perfect diet over the last while, but I haven't touched any of those foods. For the most part I don't even miss them.

Another change, is I have found a group of wonderful people who share my desire to stop living an unhealthy lifestyle, who struggle in the same ways I do. These folks have helped me immeasurably, and I like to think I have helped them a bit too. Without them I'd still be bouncing off 260. We get together every week and we talk about the week that was, our success, our failures, our struggles and our victories. I look forward to it every week.

Unfortunately that's been the only truly consistent part of this journey recently, these weekly meetings.

I haven't exercised with regularity, I haven't tracked my food with regularity. I haven't listened to the advice of experts and loved ones on tools that could help. I haven't listened to myself when I've know the right way forward. I've hummed and hawed, and tried a lot of half measures.

And I've had results that befit someone trying half measures.

What is it about this that is so hard? I know the way, I know the effort required. I know the key is consistency.

Maybe writing this will help. Maybe opening up here about the struggle is the key.

Stay tuned...Hopefully there will be more soon


1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Or maybe relying more on BH is the key!