Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Day 36...Vacation is from work not workouts

I travel a lot for work, and travel has specific problems for people trying to lose weight. Restaurant food, long hours, and the lack of easy to access healthy options can lead to a brutal diet.

Conversely, business travel has some big advantages too, most hotels have good workout facilities, you don't have too many demands on your time when your workday ends, so scheduling a workout shouldn't be too hard.

However, that's not what usually happens. Usually we do the bad, (eat eat eat) and make excuses around the good. For me I get back to my room and I don't want to get out to the gym again, I settle in, start on my laptop or tv and that's it.

Enter Rob Foster and TRX.

TRX is a suspension workout device that can be hooked over most doors and create the foundation for a ton of resistance and core exercises. It folds down to nothing in your travel bag.

Rob created a bunch of TRX workouts I can use when I travel, easy for me to do right in my room, yet all the challenge of working out at home

My wife and I are on vacation for a few days right now, and as I am blogging, she's is doing a great TRX exercise set, I'm up next.

We can always find excuses, and pass them off as reasons, but sometimes if we are properly motivated, we instead start searching for solutions. We start to enjoy the task as we see the results of our hard work.

I'm starting to really see and feel the results of my hard work, and so for the first time in a long time a trip away from home didn't lead to an easy excuse. It lead to a workout, it lead to careful choices in restaurants. All these little choices, leading to success.

Make your little choices good ones, turn your search for excuses into a search for answers. 

P.S. No spotlight blog yesterday as I am away, but it will return next week.

1 comment:

Milton Personal Trainer said...

Where there's a will there's a way. Just gotta want it and be consistent.